ANewLifeRP – The Best FiveM RP Server, make your mark in Los Santos.
ANewLifeRP | Serious RP | anewliferp.com | Discord | connect cfx.re/join/39qoq8 | Immersive | 1000+ Custom Clothes, cars and buildings | Optimized | Owned Businesses | Owned Houses | Business RP | Mafia RP | Street Gangs | Always Hiring EMS, PD, DOJ | EMS | Police | Realtor | Lawyer | Mechanic | Mech Shop Owner | News Reporter | DOJ | Car Dealer / Sales Rep | Restaurant Owner | Bar Owner | Strip Club Owner | Exotic Dancer | Chicken Run | Oxy Run | Fishing | Coral Business | Mining | Delivery Driver | Taxi Driver | Bus Driver | Tow Truck Driver | Garbage Collector | Hot Dog Stand Owner | Multiple Drugs | Drug Mixing / and much more, plus constant development.
ANewLife Rules
ANewLife RP is not much about rules and more about fun, friendship, and amazing RP. With that said, and only to protect everyone’s experience, we have a set some rules to make sure everyone enjoys and has a great experience while in our server, our Discord, or our website. Please keep basic community standards in mind when interacting with people in general.
General Rules:
You must be 18 or older to play.
Always behave according to the Discord Community Guidelines that you can find @ https://discordapp.com/guidelines
If you are going to be streaming, please make sure you abide by the rules of the service you're using to stream (Twitch for example), discord rules and our rules.
Respect everyone using the ANewLife server at all times.
Do not post advertising materials, links to social media or websites not related to ANewLife, unless you are streaming your experience in ANewLife.
Never request personal information from any of the Users or members of the community, that includes IP addresses, emails, phone numbers, addresses, names, handles, etc.
Do not post any content that can be considered being, representing or promoting gore, pornography, violence, suicide, political activism, or unsafe practices, etc.
Do not distribute any kind of files unless requested or approved by one of the staff members. Adding links to the suggestions channel is encouraged though.
English is a selected language for ANewLife, it is important that you can speak, write, and understand it in order to protect the RP.
You must have it high quality working microphone that can cancel background noise and have a clear output.
Voice changers are allowed but the output must be clear, and the volume must maintain a normal levels.
Glitches, exploits, cheats, or hacks are prohibited. If you find any or see anyone using, please report it to an admin via discord.
Toxicity will not be tolerated at all.
Selling any in-game item, money, property, job, position or vehicle for real life money or any form of it is strictly forbidden.
Do not commit any crime in the 20 minutes leading to a server restart (Tsunami). 30 minutes in the case of a Bank / Jewelry job.
Scheduled server restarts will be 1PM and 1AM CST every day.
DO NOT DM STAFF. Always use the ticket system at our discord.
RP Rules:
You must always value your characters life and the lives of every other character in the server, including PEDs or NPCs, even those representing animals.
KOS (kill on sight) is prohibited unless it is part of a gang war and every member of the participating gangs, he's aware of what's going on. No random deathmatch or vehicle deathmatch will be allowed.
Do not base your character's role play around being excessively aggressive, violent, discriminatory, or toxic in general.
Do not use the derogatory comments or remarks about or against anyone based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disabilities, or sexual preferences.
ANewLife encourages the castle law, this means that you have the right to bear arms inside of your house, apartment, property or place of business/employment and you're allowed to use deadly force at any time if you feel that your character's life is at risk. This law extends to all police buildings, and it entitles the officers to use deadly force inside any police building, and even ignoring demands from possible kidnapers.
OOC (out of character) conversations or discussions are not allowed anywhere in the server / city, there will be an OOC channel in discord specifically for that. As an exception, the second-floor office space inside the imports dealership is the only place where you can break character to talk to someone from the admin group.
Do not attempt to make someone role play to accommodate you just because you don't like their story, be respectful and don't talk over anybody or try to silence somebody role playing. We’re all here to create our own story and to contribute to everyone else’s throughout the process. If you just want to be by yourself and have no interest in interaction, RP is not for you.
Never break character, even if there ‘s a problem, role-play the scenario and then write a ticket to report the issue.
Hostages: A hostage must be a real user, not a PED or an NPC. Hostages cannot be friends, same-gang members, or business associates. It is absolutely prohibited to take any EMS/medical staff hostage regardless of the situation. Dealership workers on duty, mechanics at their place of business or parking areas for their place of business, tow truck drivers on duty, reporters covering a crime scene or event are also of limits.
When downed role play must be at its best, do not talk normally as if you weren’t hurt, try to guide and role play your injuries with EMS so all can have the full experience of what happened, if necessary, use /me instead of voice.
If your character revives by any other method that direct medical help provided by Medical or EMS personnel at Pillbox or directly at the scene, you cannot remember what happened, who downed you or why nor any of the details of the scenario that lead to you being down. The only exception to this would be if a witness to the events shares the story with you.
If you generate an EMS alert and know they are coming for you, make sure you wait until they arrive to help.
All permanent deaths need to be cleared with admin first, on the fly requests to not resuscitate will be ignored by EMS as it breaks RP.
In a perma-death situation, a will may be left to assign another player or Charactrer. All perma-deaths are PERMANENT, you cannot come back with the same character ever. The Character and it's files will be deleted.
Medical staff and police officers are not allowed to participate in any criminal activities regardless of being on/off duty.
Do not impersonate a police officer, government official, admin, or EMS personnel ever.
Roleplaying any scenario related to rape, torture, dismemberment or mutilation, cannibalism, pedophilia, or psychological abuse is absolutely prohibited. Consensual erotic RP in private will be allowed, but never in public and under no circumstance can it be streamed or recorded.
Do not wear clothes from police, EMS, or any gang that you do not belong to.
Gang Rules
Acting as a gang without being whitelisted as a one will not be tolerated.
Forcing people to change the color of their vehicles, clothing, hair or any accessories just because they identify with the color of your gang is prohibited.
Gangs are not supposed to work together or be allies.
If you want to start a gang or become a gang leader create a ticket for it.
Gang members may not attack or be aggressive towards players who are not associated or registered with a gang unless provoked or attacked by the neutral player.
Gang wars must start over real role play and not just by the decisions of one player or for no reason at all.
Do not force another player to kill off their character permanently.
Do not force another player to empty their bank account, stashes, trunks, or any other personal storage container for you.
Do not scam or rob another player for more than $50,000 in cash. Items do not count towards this limit.
Do not kill players that have complied with your demands.
Do not use crosshair or third-party programs to gain an advantage over other players.
Do not be corrupt if you are an officer of the law.
Do not spike strip within the immediate area of a robbery.
Do not drop unconscious players off in a location not accessible to emergency services
Do not commit heavy crimes on a motorcycle or off-road vehicle to elude police unless agreed upon by all parties. Corner selling, robing parking meters and similar can be done in a motorcycle, but keep in mind law enforcement users need to be able to have fun as well and the idea is not just to escape but to generate the interaction for you and others.
Do not combat log by logging out of the server in any way to avoid jail or a roleplay situation. However, if it is an emergency or your game crashes, let the other players know in Discord and log back in as soon as possible to finish the roleplay scenario.
Do not use any out-of-character information to benefit your character.
The use of third-party communication programs is allowed only if the shared information does not disadvantage others. Always try to use the built-in game communication methods such as radios, phone calls, and text. Communicating in-game helps develop RP backstories and provides a better experience for everyone.
You may not be in another player's live stream while logged in to the server.
Players must create a realistic human character using the customization system.
Do not dress your character to resemble an alien or animal with the available costumes, unless participating in a costume party.
Do not make parts of your body invisible or intentionally glitched.
Character names are important for RP, and they should not be disruptive. Examples of common inappropriate or disruptive RP names include but are not limited to:
a. Names that reference known people, characters, brands, places, or icons
b. Names that reference slang terms, offensive language, or are just unoriginal.
c. Names that consist of multiple or hard to pronounce words.